The most important punch! Your front fist is thrown straight ahead, extending your arm all the way. Palm down. Turn your front hip slightly with each jab. Return immediately back to the chin.


Your power punch! This punch starts from the ground up. Your back fist is thrown straight ahead, extending your arm all the way. Palm down. Rotate your back foot, back knee, hip and shoulder with your cross.


The most awkward punch. This punch starts from the ground up. Pivot your front foot as your lift your front elbow to a 90 degree angle. Rotate your hips and shoulders as you throw your front hook. Keep your thumb up and your wrist, elbow and shoulder in line, parallel to the ground.


This punch also starts from the ground-up. Pivot your back foot as your lift your back elbow to a 90 degree angle. Rotate your hips and shoulders as you throw your back hook. Remember: Keep your thumb up and your wrist, elbow and shoulder in line, parallel to the ground.


This punch also comes from your chin. Dip your front hip and drop your front shoulder. Rotate on the ball of your back foot and pull your front arm up, keeping your palm directed at your face. Cuts are thrown closer to the bag.


This punch comes from the chin. Dip your back hip, dropping your back shoulder. Rotate on the ball of your front foot and pull your back arm up, keeping your palm directed to your face. Cuts are thrown closer to the bag.